Monday, July 5, 2010

Batch Clan hit Abu Dabi

Brad had been in AB. D for nearly a week and invited us down to join him. We went to watch the Lord of the Dance - Michael Flatley Dance Company. The weather was beautiful, the dance amazing and the real red wine and Corona beers certainly made it a perfect weekend. Oh and the Tiffany jewellery my lovely DH bought me will put a smile on my face for the next month. The girls of course just loved swimming in the pool . My little Maya looking not so little - wow where do the years go!!?

Sienna and Sean's B'day Party

It's been far too long since I added to this. Reports, exams and end of term paperwork has kept me away from this for a while. Here are some pics from the Pool party we held at school for S & S. The highlight of the party apart from the ability to jump into a cool pool when the temperature has been up to the 50 degree celcius mark was the yummy cakes from JUJU's

Look how gorgeous they are, they werev tasty too!! A good Mum would probably decorate them herself but sometimes my multitasking skills can only stretch so far.

Sienna and Sean have been best friends and best enemies for ever both had a fab time though

Friday, April 23, 2010

First Tooth!

On the way to school on Wednesday, Sienna's tooth fell out! Between tears, consoling, encouragement and finally giggles she realised that she was actually onto a winner! Daddy returned that evening and got in touch with the tooth fairy; whose visit not only guaranteed that she stayed in her bed that night she also left her a beautiful certificate. She is the first in her class to lose a tooth so is enjoying her own celebrity right now!
I am still full of cold so have not managed any scrapbooking this week - truth is I was barely coping with teaching my class. Have posted above the Last page I made using my Studio Calico kit.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Head full of cold

Batch Clan at TGI's KUWAIT

Barely able to type this but have taken that many cold/flu drugs I am rattling to day. Finished my 2 week Easter Holiday and in true Byng style woke up on Sunday morning ( 1st day back at school) with a killer cold. 9 members of our teaching staff are stuck in UK due to the Volcanic Ash cloud so no chance of me phonig in sick!

Did have a good family weekend doing our usual BRUNCH thing - basically an excuse for Naomi not to cook or do dishes a tradition now and one that I will be encouraging the family to
maintain! The interiors in the new TGI's was very cool that have some fab wall collages. Talking of walls on the way back home we stopped off at a bank and I saw some
graffiti that I couldn't resist taking a photo of Sienna with it. Just been on to Tracie Hudson's blog and she is giving away a fab RAK this month including the very inspiring Pencil Sketches book.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pencil Lines Sketch

This week's Pencil Lines Sketch I used some Websters Pages and came up with this Family LO, which I have framed and is now pride of place on my Tibetan Blanket Chest in our lounge. These papers are hard to work with at first but when you start cutting them the possibilites with the papers are endless!!

Recently read FEB Martha Stewart LIving magazine they had this cute idea to make printed roses out of rolled up cardboard I gave it a go and came up with these two LOS above.

New Los to share!

Found a fab article in Feb edition of Martha Stewart's Living Magazine which used Rolled up cardboard to print and decorate paper and Valentine Cards had a go my self and came up with these two Los.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So having read a British Interior Design magazine - LIVING etc at Christmas I have had it in my mind to make a picture for my scrap area using badges. American Crafts do fab -self adhesive badges that make them really easy to use. My little creation took less than 20 mins - to the trained eye the heart is off centre and I did toy with printing out a heart, blowing up to A3 size then sketching it onto the canvas but for those that know me they'll know that


is the way I like to go!! I am going to take it to a Framing Company to prolong it's longeviy but I am really happy with it - the kids loved it too!